Our Sponsors

We rely heavily on the support of our sponsors and donors. Their support paves a way for our team to pursue and achieve its goals. Thank you to our sponsors and donors!

Apogee Sponsors


Boost Sponsors

Community Sponsors

Atlas Fibre


Daniel Hastings
Tammie Collum
Alan Baldwin
Tami Rahn
Mark Murphy
Jeffrey Rahn
Mely Rahn
Chris Rahn
Tom & Lisa Frye
Joane Clark
Craig & Sharon Keenan
Bart Emary
Chad & Heidi Hertz
John Frye
Kristi Stark
Ann Hertz
Erik Haugen
Bill & Barb Herman
Joe & Dawn Stadelman
Grace Herman
Djina Frye
Bill Voss
Jan Haugen
Brian Palo
Heidi Williams
Bill & Brenda Diesslin
Jim & Tammy Roth
Rick & Lisa Schlesner
Amy Weishuhn
Wayne & Sharon Roth
Silvana Brown
Abbie Williams
Doug Blocker
Larry & Mary Burken

Please visit this link if you are interested in becoming a Rocket Shop sponsor!