The Iowa State University Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is primarily focused towards students enrolled in the Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering Department; this includes majors such as agricultural engineering, biological systems engineering, agricultural systems technology and industrial technology. While the main emphasis of the club is focused towards these curriculum of study, membership is open to any student enrolled at Iowa State University. Student Branch membership qualifications include attendance at a minimum of one meeting per semester and payment of local club and national dues. Iowa State University Student Branch policy states that all local members must also be national members.
Freshmen | Sophomore | Junior | Senior |
Ivan Avalos | Ramsey Arneson | Bailey Adams | Kyle Blaylock |
Isaac Boraas | Jacob Bickett | Ryan Alsterlund | Dylan Childs |
Boston Stuart | Colton Bloomberg | Hunter Bell | Samuel Clark |
Isaac Carr | Jacob Brewster | Rachel Berrey | Josh Cooper |
Cole Degen | Adam Buseman | Zachary Brashears | Garrett Fjeld |
Andrew Dornbier | Jacob Daum | Karli Buckmeier | Kelly Full |
Lucas Duffy | Jonathon Edwards | Ethan Ellinghuysen | Kaesey Glaess |
Sage Erdman | Mike Gerhardt | Blake Fonken | Brendan Hageman |
John Erickson | Hadley Heitshusen | Connor Gordon | Ben Hanson |
Nicholas Frye | Reid Hoefler | Andrew Hillman | James Hartley |
James Griswold | Andrew Irlbeck | Mark Jacobs | Grant Heineman |
Sydnee Hansen | Samantha Johnson | Gabriel Johnson | Heather Hoefling |
Emily Hou | Foster Laake | Cody Kapka | Grant Hoppes |
Kate Jaros | Colby Lafrenz | Ashley Kruse | Brett Hutson |
Haley Kluesner | Jin Yew Lim | Caleb Lichty | Alex Irlbeck |
Marty Knepper | Megan Lukas | Logan Mayes | Sydney Klimesh |
Micah Lantz | Jacob Mason | James McCormick | Li Peiyang |
Jacob Loutsch | Adam McDermott | Mason Moeller | Luis Logrono |
Ray Negro | Jared Meisgeier | Kelby Paus | Ashley Loving |
Kurtis Oberreuter | Garrett Nichols | Spencer Pech | Evan Mellott |
Emily Parrott | Parker Pitzen | James Pesce | Aaron Miller |
Billy Provost | Dawtson Regan | Dylan Riedeman | Nathan Mowery |
Allison Rueter | Sophie Rotole | Cameron Roehlk | Carson Namanny |
Benjamin Schlueter | Maya Schneider | Nicholas Sabelka | Ethan Parker |
Hannah Staker | Rachel Schoer | Abby Schaefer | Weston Peters |
Noel Steckelberg | Michael Schulte | Aaron Shane | Andrew Primmer |
Cole Thompson | Nate Sieren | Meredith Shankwitz | Jacob Tank |
Jackson Tubbs | Hui Yee Tan | Ryan Storjohann | Michael Tupper |
Corey Vester | Trace Tuthill | Greg Wesley | Maddie Tusha |
Benjamin Warner | Brady Vaassen | Ryan Wichhart | Connor West |
Derick Weiermann | Sara Weyer | Justin Wright | Andrew Whitaker |
Logan West | Jonathan Edwards | ||
Carolyn White | |||
Donovan Wildman | |||
Luke Wille | |||
Hunter Zwart | |||
36 | 32 | 31 | 31 |
*all members have paid national dues
Branch Officers
The ASABE Iowa State Student Branch offices are:
President E-Council Representative Webmaster
Vice President Ag-Council Representative Grillmaster
Secretary Sergeant-at-Arms Publicity
Treasurer Historian Recruitment
All ASABE Student Branch officers are elected at a regular business meeting called towards the end of the spring semester. Officers for the next school year are elected at the third-to-last general meeting of the year. Newly elected officers then shadow current officers and give reports at the second-to-last meeting jointly. The final meeting of the school year is run by the new executive council. Elections occur at this time frame to aid in the transitioning process from one executive team to another. Officers and Committee Chairs serve for a one-year term in their respective office. Ag Council Representative and Recruitment Representative are elected at the last meeting of the fall semester. If unusual circumstances arise, special elections are held.
President: The president is the coordinator of all branch activities. It is the president’s responsibility to schedule and lead the regular meetings. The president may establish committees to distribute the workload among the members willing to be involved. It is the president’s duty to see that the various branch activities have ample personnel to get the job done. A good president will keep group enthusiasm high and involve many more people. The president should be someone who has held a Student Branch office previously so that they are familiar with the workings of the branch. In addition, the President acts as the liaison between the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, ASABE headquarters, and the Branch.

President: Connor West, May 2017-April 2018
Vice-President: The primary duty of the Vice-President is to keep abreast of all presidential actions regarding Branch activities. If for any reason the president’s duties cannot be fulfilled, the Vice-President must step in. The Vice-President acts as committee coordinator along with the president to assure smooth committee operation. Another important duty of the Vice-President is that of program director. As program director, the Vice-President plans presentations for regular meetings. Previous speakers have included on-campus and off-campus faculty as well as professionals from industry.

Vice President: Ashley Loving, May 2017-April 2018
Secretary: The Secretary keeps the attendance, minutes, and other official records of the Branch. The Secretary is responsible for sending out the minutes from the prior meeting, the tentative agenda for the upcoming meeting before every regular meeting or special meeting and general communication between the Executive Council and the members of the Branch.

Secretary: Kaesey Glaess, May 2017-April 2018
Treasurer: The Treasurer is in charge of all Branch financial activities. All funds, allocations, or collections must be approved and recorded by the treasurer. The Treasurer also records membership information, including membership status for both the ASABE Student Branch and for National ASABE organizations. The Treasurer collects and receives all dues, fees, and other money due to the Branch. The Treasurer properly cares for such monies and upon proper authorization, pays them out to meet the obligations of the Branch. The Treasurer keeps financial records and accounts of all such money.

Treasurer: Mark Jacobs, May 2017-April 2018
E-Council Representative: The primary duty of this office is to represent the Student Branch in the Engineering Council. The representative does this by attending regular E-Council meetings and reporting the council’s activities to Branch Members. The E-Council promotes the College of Engineering through various activities involving engineering students and provides funding for these special activities.

E-Council Representative: Cameron Roehlk, May 2017-April 2018
Ag-Council Representative: The primary duty of the Agriculture Council Representative is to represent the Student Branch in the Agriculture Council. The representative does this by attending the regular meetings of the Ag-Council and reporting the council’s activities to Branch Members. The Ag Council promotes the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences through various activities involving agriculture students.

CALS Council Representative: Adam McDermott, January 2017-December 2017

CALS Council Representative: Abby Schaefer, January 2018-December 2018
Sergeant-at-Arms: The Sergeant-at-Arms has an important duty within the Student Branch – to maintain order at meetings. They also provide refreshments for the social prior to the meeting and clean up after those refreshments.

Sergeant-at-Arms: Carson Nammany, May 2017-April 2018
Historian: The Historian will collect, and hold in good faith, member resumes for compiling a club resume book of Branch members in good standing. The resume book will be distributed to company representatives when the club attends tours and speakers. The Historian is also responsible for compiling and annual report of club activities.

Historian: Sara Weyer, May 2017-April 2018
Webmaster: The Webmaster will maintain and update the web presence for the Branch with pictures submitted by club members. This includes the Branch website and any social media accounts.

Webmaster: Jia Wen Lee, May 2017-April 2018
Grillmaster: The Grillmaster coordinates the operation of a large propane grill owned by the Student Branch. The Grillmaster’s responsibilities are to maintain and operate the grill during cookouts. Grillmaster will organize all food not assigned by a third party caterer or other Branch committee for all the Branch’s activities. The Grillmaster keeps the grill in good working condition at all times to make it representative of a professional society. The Grillmaster also oversees the grilling team that volunteers to help with events. These events are approved by the members of the Student Branch.

Grillmaster: Trace Tuthill, May 2017-April 2018
Publicity: The primary duty of the Publicity Chair is to coordinate events in which public image of the club is the main focus. The Public Relations Representative has the responsibility of promoting the Branch’s public image. The representative will design and order appropriate marketing materials, such as apparel, flyers, and hallway displays, as seen fit by the Executive Council.

Publicity: Sydney Klimesh, May 2017-April 2018
Recruitment: The Recruitment Representative was created for events like Iowa State University’s Club Fest. The focus is to recruit new members as incoming freshman and transfer students as well as students already at Iowa State looking to join a club. They also hold the responsibility of assisting their transition and ensuring their involvement.

Recruitment: Keaton Stoll, January 2017-December 2017

Recruitment: Isaac Caar, January 2018-April 2018
Executive Committee: The ISU ASABE Branch Executive Committee consists of the officers, committee heads and advisors. The committee meets before each regular branch meeting to prepare and approve the agenda. The committee also handles special needs that arise between each regular branch meeting that are not deemed worthy of a full branch vote. The officers are listed above and the committee chairs are listed below as chairpersons of their respective committees.
Annual Report Committee: The Annual Report Committee is assigned the task of annually preparing a report on the progress and activities of the club. Fellow officers and volunteers assist in collecting records of club activities from the members of the club. These records include numerous photographs, written reports of branch programs, and activities of individual club members.
Chair: Sara Weyer
Member: James Griswold
Fundraising Committee: The Fundraising Committee is given the task of continually searching for ways to help raise funds for the club. The committee’s annual events include the leaf-raking project, a football concessions stand and basketball concession stands. The committee also works on developing new fundraisers each year.
Co-Chairs: Ryan Alsterlund and Rachel Berrey
Community Service Committee: The Community Service Committee has the duty is to find ways for the Student Branch to participate in activities that benefit the community. The club has continued to be active in the community through an on-going Adopt-A-Highway program and programs with a local Middle and High School Science Bowl. Additional service activities are continually investigated, which this year included the addition of an outreach AgBot program.
Co-Chairs: Grant Hoppes and James Pesce
Social Committee: The Social Committee is responsible for organizing social events both within the Branch and with other organizations for relationship building and networking events. Social activities organized by the committee include scheduling intramurals, dinner nights at on-campus dining centers, ASABE vs. AST tournaments, and Night Out for the Majors. The Women of ASABE (WASABE) also hold monthly gatherings to promote the women in the department. These have included bonfires, pottery nights, and Friends-giving.
Chair: Brendan Hageman
WASABE Chair: Meredith Shankwitz
Events Committee: The Events Committee handles all club events that do not fall to the other committees. Responsibilities for this committee include organizing club tour trips to locations in the Midwest and ASABE Midwest Regional Rally while also coordinating travel to the ASABE Annual International Meeting.
Co-Chairs: Alex Irlbeck, Heather Hoeffling
BSE Club: The BSE Club Committee is responsible for bringing updates to the club on the project being worked on by students in the Biosystems-Engineering Club.
Chair: James Pesce
Power Pullers: The Power Pullers club annually builds quarter scale tractors to compete in the ASABE student design competition. More information can be found on their website at
President: Kelby Paus
Fountain Wars: The fountain wars team annual builds a fountain to perform two technical tasks and compete at the Annual International Meeting. In 2017-2018, our club was able to sponsor two teams to compete in Detroit.
Co-Chairs: James Hartley, Logan Adkins