SWE National Conference Info Meeting
Have any questions about SWE Conference?
Philanthropy Carnival
Have you ever wanted to pie someone in the face? Don’t miss your opportunity!
Lunch & Learn: Green Plains
Join us on April 14th, 2023 either on 11AM or 12PM in Howe Hall 1220!
Tour & Cram at the Creamery!
Want a tour of ISU’s Creamery with a side of free ice cream?
Lunch & Learn: Compressor Controls
Sign up by 3/23 to get a lunch!
Mocktails & Karaoke
Join us in Marston 2155 from 6-7pm on March 29th!
SWE Scholarship Workshop
Join us on March 2nd from 5:30-6:30pm in SIC 2221!
Lunch and Learn: Bolton & Menk
Sign up by 3/2 to get a lunch and join us on March 6th in Howe 1220!
Professor Presentations: Mirka Deza
Join us in room 2221 in the Student Innovation Center from 6:30pm-7:30pm on March 8th!
Cupcake Wars!
Have some cupcake decorating skills you want to show off? Or do you simply just want to try your hand at decorating some sweet treats? Join us next Monday, February 20th at 5pm in Elings 308! Please fill out this interest form so that we have enough cupcakes! See you there!
Boeing Lunch & Learn!
Want some free lunch while learning more about Boeing? Come join us!
Danfoss Lunch & Learn!
Want to learn more about Danfoss while munching on a free lunch?
SWE & WiSE Networking Night!
Make sure to RSVP and join us on Febuary 6th from 6-8pm in the MU Sun Room!
General Meeting – 2/1
Join us for our next general meeting this Wednesday (2/1) at 6:30pm with Kiewit! Come for food, friends, and fun!! We’ll be in Marston 2155
First General Meeting of Spring 2023!
Our first meeting of Spring 2023!
Flowers ran out quickly at SWE’s Build-A-Bouquet event!