As a freshman member of SWE, there are many opportunities to get involved and become a leader right off the back! One leadership opportunity for freshmen SWE members is
becoming a Freshman Representative. The role of the freshman representative includes organizing events for new students involved with SWE. Some past events have been freshmen dinners and a scavenger hunt to become familiar with great places on campus to
study, relax, or have fun. Freshman Representative is a fun position and looks great on a resume!
To stay to date on SWE events and opportunities, sign up for our weekly newsletter, the E-SWE, here!
Want to know more about SWE? Here are some testimonials from some of our cabinet and executive board members!
“SWE is a great place to develop professionally, get leadership experience and meet tons of new people. I got involved in SWE as a freshman because my sister was in the club and I am so happy I did! SWE has lead me to so many new friendships and opportunities. It has also given me a vast amount of resources such as insight on classes, teachers, textbooks and college as a whole through all of the networking with other members. It was always so nice for me to have my sister to look up to in SWE, so I am so happy that we have now started the SWEester program to give the same opportunity to our younger members. It is overall a great community full of people sharing the same mission to diversify and empower women engineers. Everyone could benefit from joining SWE!”
-Morgan Stecklein, Section President, 2019-2020
“My involvement in SWE has made my college experience so much better. I have made so many friends that I can study with, and hang out with on weekends. My favorite social event we do is called “Cupcake Wars”. We get to decorate cupcakes to represent various themes for a competition. I get to use my creativity while eating sweets! I currently am the vice president for corporate relations. My job is to email our corporate sponsors to plan our general meetings and sponsorship every semester. SWE does not take away from time for studying, and is a great study break!”
-Paige Boor, VP of Corporate Relations, 2017-2020
“One of the most impactful experiences I have had during my time in SWE at Iowa State has been attending SWE’s national conference the past two years. The conferences allowed me to travel to Philadelphia and Austin, two cities I had never been to before, and develop great friendships with the ISU SWE members I was traveling with. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to attend these conferences as a college student and they’ve taught me a lot about engineering, the industry I want to work in, and about the national SWE organization. I highly recommend becoming involved in SWE so that you have the opportunity to travel the country and attend amazing conferences.”
-Chandler Chockalingam, Website Chair, 2017-2018
“SWE has quickly become one of my favorite student organizations on campus. I have greatly enjoyed having the opportunity to meet so many determined and intelligent women, especially by serving in Cabinet. I’ve also loved getting to do STEM outreach, which I now want to continue after college.”
-Jaclyn Stiller, Treasurer, 2017-2019
“I love SWE for many reasons. The primary reason is that SWE provides lots of opportunities to volunteer and give back to the community. We pass forward our knowledge and experiences to younger generations of girls and boys all throughout the semester. The experiences are so rewarding across the board. As the current Co-VP of Outreach, I facilitate all of these events. My job is to make sure each event or activity goes smoothly and without a hitch. Seeing kids light up about science and engineering makes it easier to get through the day. I love being so involved and have met several good friends through SWE.”
-Elizabeth Olson, VP of Outreach, 2017-2019