We were able to safely meet and continue our collaborations throughout the fall 2020 semester. We are excited to continue our efforts in the upcoming spring semester. With the uncertainty of how COVID-19 could impact our spring semester, we will continue to prioritize the safety of our community and corporate representatives. We have compiled a short list of updates to share with you regarding our on-campus events:
- We plan to continue offering a virtual option for all sponsors. Members, representatives and new attendees may feel more comfortable knowing that they can attend our events from the safety of their home/office. Please let our committee know what method of delivery your team members would prefer and we will happily accommodate.
- All Iowa State on-campus events will require attendees to wear masks and continue to social distance.
- If your event has food provided, we will be providing pre-packaged options in order to avoid our usual buffet-style meals and eliminate as much contact as possible.
- We are scheduling all events in rooms with a larger capacity in order to comply with social distancing guidelines. More info regarding on-campus/virtual attendance and guidelines pertinent to your company’s event and event location will be sent out prior to the scheduled date.
If Iowa State University updates their guidelines for on-campus events this spring, we will continue to comply and uphold the safety of our members and sponsors. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support of our chapter. We look forward to working with you this spring, however that may look!