

SAE competitions are intercollegiate engineering design competitions for all majors. The object of the competitions is to simulate real-world engineering design projects and their related challenges. These challenges stretch far beyond the reach of engineering and require a broad base of students with various majors in order to be a complete team.

Designing, manufacturing, testing, and competing (while managing your educational responsibilities) provide one of the most challenging but rewarding experiences a student can have while enrolled at Iowa State.

Membership in Iowa State SAE International is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of major! If you want to officially join SAE international, please register yourself under Iowa State University’s student organizations system here.

Involvement with a team usually begins informally through participation in meetings and fabrication of the cars. New members often participate in learning and fabrication before designing or leading. We are interested in applying your current skills as well as developing new ones. Students are urged to join a specific team (Aero, Baja, Clean Snowmobile, or Formula) to concentrate efforts and gain an in-depth knowledge of the vehicles.


Aero: Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Howe 2220 (Spring 2024)
Baja: Tuesdays at 7:30pm in SIC 4202 (Spring 2024)
Clean Snowmobile: Wednesdays 7:00pm SIC 3222 (Spring 2024)
Formula: Thursdays at 7:00pm in SIC 0114 (Sprint 2024)


Fall: Design, prototyping, collegiate sanctioned competitions
Winter: Fabrication, documentation
Early Spring: Fabrication, testing
Late Spring: SAE sanctioned competition, repairs
Summer: Break, critical component design

Shop Information

We do the majority of our fabrication in the Student Innovation Center.


ISU SAE International is the parent organization of Aero, Baja, Clean Snowmobile, and Formula. If you have joined above, you will be automatically emailed about combined general meetings and events for SAE International. For team-specific questions and information, contacts can be found below:

Clean Snowmobile:

Team Leaders

Team leaders are the core of the team under the tech and project directors. They are elected by members in the spring.