Tag Archives: Dan

Meeting Minutes: April 22, 2024


Note-Worthy Events: Fisher was able to obtain his General License: tell him congrats when you see him!!

Meeting Start: 5:00

  • |5:00|: Mentioning how Hamfest is at Saturday and technically starts at 8:00am, table set up is at 6:00am. All members going to this even should arrive at the Shack 5:30am-5:20am. Hamfest should 
  • |5:02|: A individual stopped by thee shack, call-sign KE0OUO, arrived showing interest in the club.
    • Dues are 20 Dollars.
    • Explaining what events we participate in and explaining our interest to grow as a club and implement equipment to improve our setup.
    • Will show up at Hamfest at the state fair grounds.
    • Details can be sent to apply for keycard Excess by our club president Jesse. 
  • |5:15|: Kees was unable to get the change for the Hamfest event, however obtaining a money box seems more probable. 
  • |5:19|: Meeting to discuss the roof will be donee tomorrow at 11:30am, meeting at the elevator.
  • |5:22|: Everyone who has a vehicle should bring one.
  • |5:23|: An Announcement in teams will be given about the meeting tomorrow and the notes should be published there as well
  • |5:28|: Seth will be the next Shack manager upon Brandens leaving.
    • In-favor: (In favor7/ 7 Attendees)
  • |5:50|: Fisher discussing potentially instructing a Ham pass Exam session, in regards to helping with Prism pass their exams.

Meeting End: 6:00pm

Atteendes: Dan, Seth, Kees, Fisher, Branden, Jesse, Dallas

A Summary of Hamfest

  • |5:30am to 5:50am|: Arrive at the Radio Shack to start packing up the equipment to take to Hamfest.
    • 20$ of club money will go to the table
    • 10$ should be brought for each person individually.
  • |6:00am|: Table can start being set up
  • |8:00am|: Event Officially opens to the public
  • |Undetermined|: Unsure at what time to leave the event and pack up.