Category Archives: Minutes

Meeting Minutes: April 1, 2024

Next Meeting: April 8, 2024

Start Time: 4:59 pm

  • |5:00| Discussion of what’s needed for Tower Details.
    • ‘What we hope to achieve’, Dimensions, Etc.
  • |5:12| Matt stopped by to discuss more of the Tower Details
  • |5:30| Matt informs us that he will not be able to make the next meeting, due to the eclipse.
  • |5:34| Looking at website, specifically predictions in the landing and recoveries of RadioSondes.
  • |5:52| Discussion on potential meeting days to meet in regards to talking about the Tower Details. Potential times being 8am-4pm or 8am-5pm, most likely a Monday or Tuesday. News on this topic will be up to date on Teams chat rooms. 
  • |5:58| Plans for this weekend to come in and clean the shack, along with disposing of any unnecessary trash. (Time of Event: April 6, 2024  Time:12:00)  Estimated time should be around a few hours max. 
  • |6:05| Mentions of a potential future ‘Fox Hunt’ event. 
  • |6:06| Mentions of NWS spotter training, Jesse had figured it would have been a good mention
  • |6:07| Feedback on Fisher’s slide presentation he had made on his own time. 

End Time: 6:09

Attendees: Fisher, Ian, Kees, Branden, Jesse, Dallas

Advisor: Matt (KB0MGQ)


Summary of Shack Clean-up 

Taking Place 12:00pm (noon) on April 6, 2024 at the Radio Shack

  • Consists of reorganizing the shack to make things easier to find. 
  • Specifically the closet within the shack. 
  • Shouldn’t take more than a few hours to complete the cleaning
    • Should be noted this depends on how many people show up too help. 

End: To Be Determined