Next Meeting: April 22, 2024
Start Time: 4:55
- |4:56| Reminder that there should be a meeting tomorrow starting at 11:30 for at least an half hour.
- |5:00| Meeting rescheduled for April 23 (10:30am-11:15am)
- |5:03| Des Moines Hamfest, April 28,2024
- |5:07| Reviewing the Hamfest Equipment with the intention to sell. ($1,055 of potential worth, 13 items total)
- |5:22|Attendance of who will be at ISU over the summer
- |5:23| Echo-link shoutout
- |5:27| Event people over the summer should attend “Aurora’24 Conference” at June 1,2024 (9:00am- 5:00pm CDT) from the ‘Northern Lights Radio Society’, located: West Medicine Lake CommunityHub.
- |5:30| Matt had stopped by and mentioned his wants to sell some objects!
- |5:34| Matt has a poster printer (up to 36 inches wide and length in reason(48in) ).
- |5:35| Maybe having a banner or other labels for our stand.
- |5:39| Discussion on how the only thing left to do for the club this semester is the Antenna project.
- |5:40| Meeting next week should be voting for officers for the club
- |5:41| Matt’s words of our accomplishments
- Launched payload in Hot Air balloon
- Antenna roof project
- ISS contacts
- Use table as outreach opportunity for new club members
- |5:45| Rough Roof timeline depends on whether or not a engineer can sign off
- short term project: relatively quick
- Long term project: can go months to years
- |5:49| Back to the handhelds that Matt is willing to sell it to the club. Brought next meeting, next week.
- |5:50| Talk about Hamfest next week.
- |5:51| Talk about future courses and hopes for a Advanced balloon course
- |6:00| Helping Brandon get an idea on how to go about making an antenna.
End Time: 6:01
Attendees: Kees, Fisher, Branden, Jesse, Seth, Dan, Dallas
Advisor: Matt (KB0MGQ)