Meeting Start: 6:02 PM
Meeting End: 7:10 PM
Members present: Isaac KF0HGJ, Jesse K0WKT, Spencer KF0HGI, Jason KC0EDE, Braxton Rokos, Alan KF0HGF, Evan Pasero, Daniel Carlisle W0UHF
- Renew keys for shack access
- Collins aerospace radio
- Fending from student government
- Reason for every purchase
- specific
- Under $5000
- Hearing
- Very few are denied funding
- February 18th midnight
- Quote for price
- Laptop/desktop surplus
- Radios
- Possible tower parts
- Can’t get funding if we get some from a department
- Reason for every purchase
- We have about $4,604
- Get in good standing with ESC
- Group Chat of some sort
- Contesting
- Secure WPX
- Possible Award
- March 26th-27th Zulu time
- Gain experience
- Don’t need license
- Possible recruiting
- Isaac Motions for an official event
- Spencer second
- None opposed
- Spencer second
- Fox Hunt
- Chat sessions
- Half hour
- Needs licensed
- Story County amateur radio club meeting tomorrow
To do:
- Create funding form or presentation
- Good standing ESC
- Tower Project
- Contesting
Next Meeting, 2/9/2022
- Tower Project
- Field Trip?