Meeting Start: 5:00 PM
Meeting End: 5:56 PM
Members present: Isaac Swaney, Jordan KF0GMA, Braxton Rokos, Jesse K0WKT, Alen Whitehead, Frohk Zhows, Matthew KB0MGQ(Advisor), Dan W0UHF(Advisor), Ben Meinders
- Reschedule test time to 11/13/2021(Passed)
- Order ARRL books try to get bulk discount estimated cost $48-$50 for test and class
- Possible extra discount through being a bookdealer
- Estimated shipping 3-4 days
- Prepay to prevent backouts through student org
- One officer needs training(student organization marketplace) preferred treasure
- Order at end of week 10/30/2021
- Use survey to gage participants
- Attach FRN link
- For test get pizza, 2 liters of pop, cups, and plates
- If member want to test (9AM) this weekend HAM fest in Boone county fair grounds.
- Fox Hunt on 11/9/2021
- Possibly replace batteries and chargers for radios
- Estimated cost $100
- Not included 440HT
To do:
- Oder test supplies
- Prepare Fox
- Renew W0ISU
- 605 form
Next Meeting, 11/2/2021
- Discuss battery replacement