Meeting Start: 5:03 PM
Meeting End: 6:02 PM
Members Present: Dan W0UHF, Jason KC0EDE, Patrick KE0NTR, Nick AC5DT, Jesse K0WKT
President, Jesse K0WKT:
- Meeting times for this semester will be Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 9, Mar 23, Apr 6, Apr 20, all at 5 pm
- Nets resume on Thursday, 9 pm on 443.375 machine, 114.8 Hz tone
- Ad was published in the “Get Involved” StuOrg booklet
- Reached out to Steve to update QRZ page for W0YI
- Update W0ISU QRZ, transfer admin management to a club officer?
Treasurer Balance: $3558.57
Other Miscellaneous Topics:
News about the tower at Zaffarano:
- CARC cabinet members met with FP&M project coordinator Brandi Latterell to discuss our repeater location possibly being in jeopardy
- The Physics Department study found interference being caused by KURE, not from CARC repeater equipment.
- As of now, FP&M is planning to keep the tower up, but this is dependent on fiber costs for doing a link (for KURE transmitter). Hence, this needs to be evaluated first by KURE and FP&M to see for sure what happens to the tower.
- Within a month we should know whether KURE will be using the tower.
- 3 to 4 months of work will be involved with them moving out. It’s possible that by springtime. KURE will be out of the vicinity of the tower.
- Also discussed were options of moving our equipment to another location, but only as a last resort.
- Brandi from FP&M would stay in contact with us for any new information she gets, she would also get in touch with two other people from FP&M as well
- Also brought up were our plans for the tower project on Coover, she took that into consideration also.
- Discussed moving some old equipment from the Zaffarano penthouse to clean up the area
Tower Project on Coover:
- Talked about President and club advisors setting up a meeting with FP&M, ECpE chair to discuss tower plans
- See if we can find drawings, sketches, or whatever is needed for the tower project at Coover
- Need to see what parts we have and what we still need to get for hardware. We need to come up with some sort of an estimate to decide on whether to get more funding or not
- If we need more funding, Jesse K0WKT will attend the ESC club meetings once a month, that way we can have a better chance of getting money if needed
- Discussed selling old shack rigs on eBay to help generate more funds for this project
Callsign Renewal:
- W0ISU renewal through the ULS is in the process
- Submit 605C for an address change, put Matt’s office address on it?
For Next Meeting, 02/23/2021:
- The Civil Air Patrol will host a presentation for the next meeting; they will come to talk about what CAP is and how communications play a central role in what they do.