The 13-14 NECA cabinet members strike power-poses outside Town Engineering. (Photo credit: Chris Neary)

Britta Sortland discusses the Freddy Court Energy Challenge with Program Coordinator Mary Beth Golemo and student representative Jennifer Hunt. (Photo credit: Maggie Holt)

The Cyclone Energy team looking absolutely picturesque! (Photo credit: Chris Neary)

The 2014 Green Energy Challenge team at the first class of the semester. (Photo credit: Maggie Holt)

The 2013 presenting team stands by their poster, which gives a visual outline of their proposal. (Photo credit: Official NECA photo gallery)

The NECA team at the National Convention in Washington D.C.
Left to right: Joe Hahn, Beth Hartmann, Alex Toth, Maggie Holt, Alex Buscher, Kate Glowacki. (Photo credit: unknown passerby)