What’s new?

We’re excited to show you the events we have planned for this semester! Stay tuned for future announcements!

Latest Activities

  • Aurora Flight Sciences Speaker Event- Nayanapriya Bohidar

    Aurora Flight Sciences Speaker Event- Nayanapriya Bohidar

    The evening spent with Nayanapriya Bohidar was truly insightful and inspiring. As a distinguished leader in Propulsion R&D, her expertise brought depth and clarity to our discussions on pressing topics within the industry.

  • AIAA Trivia Night

    AIAA Trivia Night

    The recent trivia night hosted by AIAA at ISU in Howe Hall sounds like an engaging and enriching experience for all involved. With a focus on aviation, space, and aerospace engineering, attendees had the opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of aerospace while putting their knowledge to the test.

  • Resume Review

    Resume Review

    The AIAA event hosted at Iowa State University, featuring a resume review and practice sessions for the upcoming engineering career fair, was a testament to the proactive approach of students towards their professional development.