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September 20, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Arrival and Attendance
Exc. Announcement’s:
- Secretary: Ashley Kohagen, New Attendance and Adding phone numbers
-If you were gone, missed the sign in sheet, or I typed in your number wrong please email me.
: Submit T-shirt designs by next Thursday
-If you want to be on the T-shirt committee please email me.
Tutoring Chair: David Gardner,
: Tutoring anybody who can help tutor on Monday-Thursday 2:30pm-4:50pm
: Starting in October
-Tutoring middle school kids.
-Email David if you would like to help
President: Austin Dorenkamp,
: Reminder Engineering Career Fair next Tuesday September 25th 12pm-6pm
: Next FLiE Meeting: Dr. Hill Leadership Discussion
: Reminder of the 3M Info Session this Sunday September 23rd 7pm-9pm
-Follow up on the IBM prep session, below is a link of the information in case you were unable to attend.
-Any Questions email Austin
Government of the Student Body Presentation
Andrew Gall,
-Former FLiE Member
-students who want to make a difference
-Discussion about changes on campus, email the GSB with more issues
-Beau Easley, (Not at the Meeting)
-Director of New Student Outreach (a Freshman)
-Design Major
**Email either of them with any other questions, comments, or concerns about college life in general
Career Fair Preparation Presentation
-Matt Santee and Andrew Gall
-Both experienced in the Career Fair setting
10 Career Fair Tips
#1) Competent individual
-Know who you are, get the task done, responsibility, research.
-ECS-Engineering Career Service
-CMS- make a profile, get notifications
-Make a lasting impression
#2) Research companies beforehand
-Internship programs
-Bring research with you
#3) Rehearse x 3
-Handshake: Firm
-Introduce yourself
-Practice these things
#4) Look “FLiE”
-Dress for Success
-NO jeans
-Ladies, Choose wisely
#5) PLAN your route
-Get the map/layout of the building
-Start at less interesting and go to more interesting
-Take note of the length of lines
-Use short lines for “practice”
#6) Listen In
-Be decisive.
-Listen to the conversations before you
-Predict what they may ask you
#7) Eye Contact
-Don’t mumble
-Engage yourself with the person you are talking to
#8) Call teir bluff
-Even if they don’t want freshmen, STILL have a conversation
-Make them remember you
#9) Follow up
-If it goes well, ask for a business card
-Write down how the conversation went and info about a possible interview
-Follow up emails, friendly and once again, an opportunity to get your name out there
-Write down passwords and usernames if you use a company website or profile
#10 Clear and Concise Resume
-no narrative
-keynotes and conversations starters
Career Fair Bus
-Starts at UDCC, Goes to Hilton; Runs for the duration of the Career Fair
—Questions?? Email anyone who talked tonight, Austin, or your Advisor.