Tonight was a very first for the Iowa State AirISU Club! For the first time in our history, at least those who are involved currently with the club, we put both wings on the aircraft and secured them without any support by saw horses or people!
Besides putting the wings on, a lot of progress was made for securing the wings to the fuselage.
We added push rods from the bell-crank to the aileron in both wings. We also set the wings in place on the aircraft, confirming the dimensions given in the manual.
Cables were made and will be run next week, when it will be easier to access the wing root and run the cables.
A few weeks ago, the group determined a break was broken, due to a faulty O-Ring. That is no longer the case, as the part has been replaced. Testing will still be necessary, but it is a relief to Wayne that the plane he will be flying actually has two working brakes.

Various members are hard at work on their projects. Ben is measuring the dimensions, Paul and Slater are are attaching the push rod, Wyane and Wyatt are working on setting the wings properly.