Shake Table Development

Current Committee Chair: Dimitrios Kalliontzis

The Shake Table Committee is working to develop a functional and cost effective shake table for use in outreach events and Undergraduate Seismic Design Committee structure testing.

Currently the committee is assembling a simple sinusoidal shake table with frequency and amplitude control. Materials have been acquired, and the committee is in the process of developing a functional model and complete work plan before beginning construction.

Future goals include: the possible development of a non-sinusoidal snake table, purchase and assembly of a data acquisition system, and recurring maintenance of the existing equipment.

Previous projects include the development of the current outreach shake table, a sinusoidal shake table designed to be powered by an electric drill and constructed primarily out of plywood.

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23 January 2014
Members Present: Caleb, Bryan Hackman (new), Hartanto, Xiao, Kenneth, Brandon, Dimitrios, Ocean, Alex, (Dr. Sri)
Order of events: Good news jar
Old Business: None
New business:
  • Alex will be attending the treasure's course,
  • budget proposals need to be turned in,
  • engineering club fair is 30 January 2014 from 4-6pm;
    need 4 volunteers (Xiao),
  • new club position available: webster; Bryan H has offered to help in that area,
  • Science bound outreach event 15 February 2014; volunteers needed,
  • Optional internship opportunity (NEESREU contact Hartanto)

Meeting Adjourned 6:40pm