About Chi Epsilon



Purpose of Chi Epsilon

Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of Civil Engineering as an ideal profession, Chi Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual Civil Engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the Civil Engineering student. Engineering, the application of scientific principles to the practical needs of society, is assuming a constantly increasing responsibility for the physical well-being of all people, and thus calling for competence of a high order. This responsibility can be discharged only by a professional group whose members are possessed of a good basic technical ability, intelligence, moral integrity, and effective social poise in their relationship with the larger community of which they are a part. To contribute to the improvement of the profession, Chi Epsilon fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among Civil Engineers, and its members, by precept and example, toward an ever higher standard of professional service.

Personal Qualities

Scholarship, Character, Practicality, and Sociability are the fundamental requirements for membership in Chi Epsilon. Success in undergraduate academic work, which is called SCHOLARSHIP, is a fundamental requirement for chi Epsilon members. High Scholastic achievement suggests an unusual fitness for positions of responsibility and leadership. Your initiation into Chi Epsilon lays upon you the responsibility of extraordinary service in the advancement of our profession. CHARACTER is that integrity of nature which inspires respect and confidence. It is that quality which leads individuals to support worthwhile activities, both in college and after graduation. CHARACTER is the primary quality of a successful Civil Engineer. Loyalty is part of CHARACTER, and we require that, throughout your life, you maintain your loyalty to the principles of Chi Epsilon. PRACTICALITY is the ability to apply the basic principles of scientific knowledge to the problems which continually confront the practicing Civil Engineer. The desire and the ability to join freely with others, to share in their activities and contribute to them, are factors which lead directly to personal success and happiness. This faculty is SOCIABILITY. You will recognize that these qualities which Chi Epsilon seeks in its members are the attributes which contribute to successful living.


In the Spring of 1922, a group of seniors and a group of juniors at the University of Illinois independently originated the idea of organizing a fraternity that would recognize the student who excels in the fundamental qualities of the successful civil engineer, and who would use those abilities constructively in advancing the civil engineering profession. When the two groups learned of each other’s existence, they joined under the name of Chi Epsilon. Chi Epsilon has always had a conservative attitude toward expansion, feeling that groups from prominent engineering schools would solicit membership without encouragement. When the Chi Epsilon Room was dedicated at eh United Engineering Center in New York City in 1961, it represented a gift to the civil engineering profession from Chi Epsilon’s 51 Chapters. In 1996 Chapter #120 was installed, and membership surpassed 78,000. Chi Epsilon continues to grow soundly, adding 1-2 new chapters and approximately 2500 initiates each year.


Chi Epsilon retains as its motto the Greek letters Chi Delta Chi, which formed the name of the junior honor society founded in 1922 at the University of Illinois and which is one of the roots of Chi Epsilon. Chi Delta Chi. These three letters shall symbolize our English motto: Conception, Design, and Construction. These are the three phases of every creative project. Conception is inventive; it perceives the opportunity to do something and recognizes the means of accomplishment. Fitting that means of accomplishment to the specific case and planning a definite method of work is design. Construction is the actual building. It makes a reality of the idea of conception and the plan of design. Conception requires imagination and intelligence. Design requires education and practical experience. Construction requires energy, determination, and perseverance. In these functions, your adherence to the principles of Chi Epsilon will serve you well.


Membership is offered by invitation for undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors in the top 1/3 of their class by GPA. Graduate students may join by recommendation of a staff member.