
Outreach events provide the opportunity for EERI members to educate students varying from elementary to high school level. EERI members will sponsor activities at our University or participate in school sponsored events at the surrounding area schools. Our purpose is to inspire young students to pursue higher level education and interest them in science and engineering. EERI members have participated in various Science Bound Program events. This program aims at increasing the number of ethnically diverse Iowa students who pursue ASTEM (agricultural, scientific, technical, engineering and mathematics) degrees.

Students who participated in the events were able to build small scale model structures to view how it could withstand in a seismic environment using a shake table.  Students also educated kids at Science and Technology for Fellows Elementary School for K-5th grade. Hands on activities allowed students to construct KNEX models and shake them on a seismic shake table.

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Undergraduates Take 9th at USD Competition!

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M7.4 Earthquake Strikes Guatemala

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Upcoming EERI Events

February EERI Newsletter Now Online

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Post Graduation Internships Available

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23 January 2014
Members Present: Caleb, Bryan Hackman (new), Hartanto, Xiao, Kenneth, Brandon, Dimitrios, Ocean, Alex, (Dr. Sri)
Order of events: Good news jar
Old Business: None
New business:
  • Alex will be attending the treasure's course,
  • budget proposals need to be turned in,
  • engineering club fair is 30 January 2014 from 4-6pm;
    need 4 volunteers (Xiao),
  • new club position available: webster; Bryan H has offered to help in that area,
  • Science bound outreach event 15 February 2014; volunteers needed,
  • Optional internship opportunity (NEESREU contact Hartanto)

Meeting Adjourned 6:40pm