Recent News
Upcoming EERI Events
23 January 2014
Members Present: Caleb, Bryan Hackman (new), Hartanto, Xiao, Kenneth, Brandon, Dimitrios, Ocean, Alex, (Dr. Sri)
Order of events: Good news jar
Old Business: None
New business:
Meeting Adjourned 6:40pm
Members Present: Caleb, Bryan Hackman (new), Hartanto, Xiao, Kenneth, Brandon, Dimitrios, Ocean, Alex, (Dr. Sri)
Order of events: Good news jar
Old Business: None
New business:
- Alex will be attending the treasure's course,
- budget proposals need to be turned in,
- engineering club fair is 30 January 2014 from 4-6pm;
need 4 volunteers (Xiao), - new club position available: webster; Bryan H has offered to help in that area,
- Science bound outreach event 15 February 2014; volunteers needed,
- Optional internship opportunity (NEESREU contact Hartanto)
Meeting Adjourned 6:40pm